Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Mount Holly Municipal Utilities Authority (hereinafter the “OWNER”) at its business office at 1 Park Drive, PO Box 486, Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060-0486 on: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time
for the following goods or services:
Contract: 2025-01 – Computer Systems Consultant
Contract: 2025-02 – Risk Management Consultant
Contract: 2025-03 – Bond Counsel
Contract: 2025-04 – Solicitor
Contract: 2025-05 – Labor Counsel
Contract: 2025-06 – Special Counsel
Contract: 2025-07 – Consulting, Environmental, & Special Professional Engineer
Contract: 2025-08 – Emergency Repair or Replacement of Underground Sewer Mains & Manhole Structures
Potential bidders/proposers may obtain a copy of the RFP by completing the Contract/Bid Form at: (click on Documents, then Forms, then Bid Documents). Upon receipt of the COMPLETED Contract/Bid Form, the MHMUA will email a copy of the requested document to the person whose information appears on the form. Below is the information required by the form:
Name: |
Email: |
Phone: |
Contract/Bid Name & Contract Number: |
Company/Firm Name: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Signed proposals, one (1) bound original hard copy of original submittal and one (1) unbound copy of original submittal must be made on the standard form in the manner designated in the RFP; must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the Proposer; and the name and number of the contract identified on the outside, addressed to Anthony G. Stagliano, Sr., Qualified Purchasing Agent (QPA), The Mount Holly Municipal Utilities Authority, 1 Park Drive, P.O. Box 486, Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060-0486 and must be received at the Owner’s business office on or before Tuesday January 28, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time. No late submissions will be accepted. The Owner assumes no responsibility for proposals mailed or misdirected in delivery.
All properly sealed proposals will be publicly opened, announced, and recorded on Tuesday January 28, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time in the Owner’s conference room, 37 Washington Street, Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060.
The Owner reserves the right to reject all proposals, in whole or in part, and to waive any immaterial defect or informality in any proposal as may be permitted by law.
This RFP will be awarded under the “Fair and Open” process pursuant to New Jersey Local Unit “Pay to Play” Law, P.L. 2004, Chapter 19 (as amended by P.L. 2005, c.51) N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq. In addition, all proposers shall comply with P.L.1977, c.33 requiring submission of a statement of corporate ownership; N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 requiring submission of a New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and the collection of use taxes; and with the provisions of P.L.1975, c.127 and N.J.A.C. 17:27 concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action and the submission of proof of compliance therewith.
Michael B. Dehoff
Interim Executive Director